'Twas a glorious "new moon" day, accentuated with meditation classes. The new moon period occurs every four weeks when the moon is not visible to us mere mortals here on earth. The sky is dark, and stars shine brightly without the competitive glare of moonlight. This dark time is felt to be a time of renewal, a time of regeneration, a time for rest and for new beginnings. More active, so-called "yang" forms of yoga are temporarily replaced by "yin" activities....the soft feminine endeavors of introspection, yielding, softening, stretching, and contemplation.
"Yin" yoga is a perfect complement to meditation and sets the stage for a practice centered on awakening to your true self.
Let a new blog begin!
The Occidental Yogi....devoted to a classic form of yoga, blending elements from oriental philosophies, while remaining ever mindful of the root of yoga that rests in the Hindu tradition.